Navigating Stress with Mindfulness and Healthy Habits

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Stress is a part of life. But the way we choose to handle it? That’s where the real transformation happens. Let’s chat about some practical mindfulness techniques and healthy habits you can start using today to keep stress at bay, no matter what season you’re in. Finding Balance Between Work and Life Ever feel like […]

Mastering Balance: How to Manage Stress Effectively

woman practicing mindfulness while working on her desk

Life can feel overwhelming sometimes. Stress sneaks in, whether we invite it or not. But here’s the good news—stress doesn’t have to run the show. With the right mindset and practical tools, you can manage it and keep balance in your life. Let’s explore some simple, effective ways to handle stress while finding peace in […]

Creating a Purpose-Filled Life: Building Self-Confidence Through Four Key Pillars

woman raising her hand and showing self confidence - purposed filled life blog cover

Hello! I’m Amy Gleaves, a certified life coach dedicated to helping you build the life you truly want by boosting your confidence and aligning your actions with purpose. Today, I’m thrilled to share the foundation of my Purpose-Filled Life Program—a focus on four essential pillars that will help you develop self-confidence and live a life […]

Strategies to Adapt to Life’s Changes

train tracks splitting and joining, representing life's changes

Let’s be honest—change can be hard. Whether it’s a new job, a relationship ending, or something as big as a global pandemic, life has a way of throwing us curveballs when we least expect it. But here’s the thing: how we respond to these changes can make all the difference. Over the years, I’ve worked […]

Mastering Productivity and Focus: Essential Tips to Achieve Your Goals

woman writing in her planner

Are you ready to dive deep into mastering productivity and focus? Whether your goals are big or small, professional or personal, the key to unlocking your true potential lies in how you manage your time and maintain your drive. Today, let’s walk through some strategies that will not only boost your productivity but also align […]

Unlocking Personal Independence

Woman looking at the sun with her arms open

Independence isn’t just about doing things on your own; it’s about embracing the freedom to make your life your own. Think of it as the ultimate form of self-care—Fostering the strength to stand on your own, make decisions that resonate with you and create a life that truly reflects who you are. Empowering Strategies for […]

Embracing Healthy Habits for Joy and Fulfillment

Girl daily planning on a sofa

Have you ever thought about what really spins the wheel toward a life brimming with joy and fulfillment? Yes, it’s those small, everyday choices—our healthy habits! Together, let’s dive into how these habits can truly transform our days and paint our bigger picture with vibrant hues of wellness and happiness. What Exactly Are Healthy Habits? […]

How to Change Your Mindset for a Happier Life

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Ever wonder why you sometimes feel stuck? This often relates to our mindset. What is a mindset, though? Imagine it as the mental guide that influences how you see and react to the world. We pick up beliefs early on that direct our choices, the people we connect with, and the chances we either take […]

The Importance of Boundaries in Healthy Relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship where setting boundaries became difficult but necessary? ‘Boundary’ is a word that is often tossed around whether the situation is romantic, platonic, or even familial. But it is not always an easy thing to set, significantly the closer you are to someone. Sometimes it’s hard even to define […]

Transforming Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Perception

Have you ever noticed how our inner voice can be our own worst critic on our journey to personal growth? Let’s chat about turning that voice into our biggest cheerleader. Negative self-talk, those inner voices that whisper doubts and insecurities, can stop us in our tracks when on our way to success and fulfillment. However, […]